Cubita NOW Приложения

Cubita NOW - News from Cuba 4.1
Cubita NOW
Cuban news by the independent media and official press. TV, videos,quizzes.
Guess The Latin Celebrity 1.7
Cubita NOW
You will not believe how many famous, celebrities in theLatinmarket you know. Try it now and guess who the famous celeb isonthe picture. This is the best trivia game of Latin andHispanicfamous celebrities and even better it is all free for you.We havea great collection of Latin and Hispanic celebs, if you wanttosuggest one to our collection, Please let us know on thereviews.Photos used on "Guess The Latin Celebrity" are under theCreativeCommon License: Attribution 2.0 Generic and CreativeCommonLicense: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic and they areavailableon areon are under the Creative Common License:Attribution-ShareAlike2.0 Generic, the same license as theoriginal images. Please notethat under those licenses we are freeto share (copy andredistribute the material in any medium orformat) , adapt (remix,transform, and build upon the material) forany purpose, evencommercially. The licensor cannot revoke thesefreedoms as long asyou follow the license terms. Under thefollowing terms, we areproviding Attribution (You must giveappropriate credit, provide alink to the license, and indicate ifchanges were made. You may doso in any reasonable manner, but notin any way that suggests thelicensor endorses you or your use) andShareAlike (If you remix,transform, or build upon the material,you must distribute yourcontributions under the same license asthe original). There are notadditional restrictions — We may notapply legal terms ortechnological measures that legally restrictothers from doinganything the license permits. We are distributingour contributionsunder the same licenses as theoriginal.